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0300 111 1234

PKD Support Groups

PKD Support Groups

Choose the support group that's best for you.

If you're looking for a relaxed place where you can share your PKD experiences, find support, information, and friendship, join one of our support groups.

“It was great to meet others in a similar situation.
I felt so much better.”

- Maggie

Some support group meetings are in-person (often at a local cafe), whilst others are held online (Zoom).

  • Regional Groups - Hosted by volunteers with personal experience of PKD
  • 'Let's Talk about it...' - One-hour online discussions covering topics like diagnosis, tolvaptan, PLD, and transplant.
  • 'Time to Chat about ARPKD' - A dedicated group for parents, carers, and adult patients affected by autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD).

Our support groups are growing, thanks to our incredible volunteers! Here are the in-person and online groups currently available:

  • Bedfordshire
  • Derbyshire
  • Greater Manchester
  • Hampshire
  • Herefordshire
  • Liverpool
  • London
  • Low Clearance Group (online) – for those people wanting to discuss low kidney function, transplantation and dialysis choices.
  • Newcastle
  • Norfolk
  • Staffordshire
  • Wales (online)
  • Wiltshire 
  • Young Adult Group (online)

Check out our upcoming groups - click 'Find a Support Group'!

Got questions or interested in hosting a group in your area? Please email Susan. 

Upcoming support group meetings

To hear about our latest news and future events:

Need medical advice?

We cannot give medical advice at a support group. If you need medical advice, please contact your GP, kidney doctor or another relevant specialist.