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0300 111 1234

Join the mental health campaign for PKD patients

On World Kidney Day 2022 (Thursday 10 March), we want our politicians to stand up for better mental health services for PKD patients and all those with kidney disease.

Join us in a national campaign to make sure our politicians hear the concerns of patients, their families, friends and healthcare teams.

An email is the easiest way to contact your MP (England), MSP (Scotland) or MS (Wales). Find him/her through Enter your postcode and follow the instructions.

Below are links to templates to help you write your email:

  • Select the template for the country where you live - England, Scotland or Wales.
  • Copy the text from the template and paste into the online Message box.
  • Add your personal PKD experience at the top where shown.
  • Don't forget to include your name/postcode, so they know you are a constituent.

The templates include the findings of a recent survey by Kidney Research UK and specific information about the emotional/psychological impact of PKD.

Template letter to MP (England) to request a meeting
Template letter to MP (England) to ask MP to write to the Minister

Template letter to MSP (Scotland) to request a meeting
Template letter to MSP (Scotland) to ask MSP to write to the Minister

Template letter to MS (Wales) to request a meeting
Template letter to MS (Wales) to ask MS to write to the Minister

If you prefer to send a letter in the post, just contact us and we will send you a word document that you can edit and print out.

ADPKD, ARPKD, Mental health

  • Hits: 25522