PatientView to move to Patients Know Best
The UK Kidney Association (UKKA) has signed an important deal with Patients Know Best (PKB) to re-platform the national patient-facing system PatientView to the PKB personal health records platform.
This will improve the existing security and functionality of the current PatientView system, which was one of the first patient portals in the UK.
The new system offers people with kidney disease and their care teams advanced features and functionality, including increased security, care planning, team-based messaging and an ecosystem of integrated wearable and monitoring devices to support clinical transformation.
To support patients through the transition of moving from PatientView to PKB, please download and share this guide on where you can continue to find the information you need.
The transition from PatientView to PKB commenced at the end of October 2021. Any previous patient data, as well as new data, such as test results and measurements, is available in your PKB record once your local renal unit has been switched over.
The list of renal units who are now live will be updated weekly here.
You will not be able to see your renal patient data on the new system until the renal unit you are connected to has switched to PKB.
How will the patient registration process work with PKB?
- Registration will be through local renal teams onboarding patients using one of PKB’s registration processes.
- These include mass registration using a spreadsheet to upload email addresses and using a Trust’s existing processes for onboarding non-renal patients using PKB.
- Existing registered users of PKB with a PatientView NHS number will automatically receive their data with no effort by their renal unit.
For more details on how to activate your account click here.
Patients in Wales will be contacted by email or letter once the contract with Wales and PKB is in place. This is likely to be in early in 2022. If you are a patient in Scotland or Northern Ireland, your local unit will be in touch via email or letter to confirm when and how to register.
If you have any questions, please contact the PKB support team.
About PatientView
While the transition to the new platform (PKB) takes place, patients can continue to utilise their PatientView accounts.
PatientView (PV) gives patients information about their own care, including blood test results, medications and clinic letters, along with information about their diagnosis and treatments. The information is taken from the renal computer systems within hospitals and is updated on a daily basis. Patients can also enter their own results for blood pressure, weight and glucose.
These can then be seen by the doctors in their renal centre, which improves monitoring without the patient attending clinic. There is a messaging system that patients can use to send and receive messages from their centre and surveys can be set up and carried out online with the aim of improving care. Patients must give written consent for their information to be sent to PV.
All renal centres and units in the UK (except Addenbrooke's, Cambridge and Imperial, West London) participate in PatientView.
Patients can ask their centre administrators to set them up with a username and password or can go to www.patientview.org and click on 'I want to join’. There is no charge for patients – funding for PV comes directly from the renal centres.
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- Hits: 5451