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0300 111 1234

20K Challenge

2020 Thank you for taking on the PKD 20k Challenge The Insurance Surgery!

This summer Chris Pullan from The Insurance Surgery went the distance and took part in the PKD 20k Challenge by taking on two rides and clocking in a seriously impressive 67.85 miles!

Chris took on the challenge to help raise vital funds and awareness of polycystic kidney disease on our 20th anniversary and raised a fantastic £200 to support PKD Charity’s core aims -

  • We support individual patients, their families and carers providing information about PKD at every stage of the condition. We provide reassurance and understanding, practical and emotional help through our support services including our Information Days, helpline, webinars, literature and meetups providing support in the community across the UK.
  • We strive to raise greater awareness about PKD. We represent and express the needs of patients and families to commissioners, researchers and pharma's. We take every opportunity to bring PKD to the attention of the media, healthcare professionals and the public both nationally and internationally.
  • And we are building a research fund to enable us to support top quality PKD research into discovering treatments and a cure for PKD. We collaborate nationally and internationally with health and social care professionals, other kidney and elated genetic charities, scientists and industry to bring the latest knowledge to those affected to promote research and integrated care.

Thank you so much to Chris and The Insurance Surgery for taking on this challenge for PKD Charity. We’re so grateful for your terrific support! If you would like to read more about The Insurance Surgery’s challenge please visit their blog.


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