Fundraising Ideas
Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling and inspire you to begin your life-changing fundraising.
If you’re not sure where to start, then we’re here to help. Whether you have a fully-fledged master plan, or an idea on a napkin, we’d love to hear all about it.
Email our Fundraising Manager at or call 07715 664687 if you need help or have any questions.
You provide the endless cups of tea (or prosecco) and guests provide the finger sandwiches and cupcakes. Host it at home or in a local hall.
The classic fundraiser everyone can get involved in and is really simple (or dare we say, a piece of cake)! Bring your friends, family, colleagues, and community together whilst supporting a great cause.
Grab a bucket, soak a sponge, and wear some old clothes. Cars can get filthy. But where there’s filth, there’s fundraising!
Create a fancy menu and invite friends or family round for dinner. Dress up and ask guests to donate what they would’ve paid at a restaurant.
Go old school and host a sports day, either in your back garden, local park or even your workplace. Ask for donations to take part in the egg and spoon race, beanbag on the head, three-legged races… and succumb to nostalgia!
Ask players to donate their time and ask spectators for donations. Shake a bucket and cook some half time food for extra cash.
Everyone loves a board game, so invite your friends and family to join with a donation to attend. And remember – no cheating!
Just do it. Hair grows back, right? Gather everyone together and set up a livestream so the world can watch it happen.
Spanish, French, Mexican, Japanese… pick a theme and explore another culture for the night with good food, music, dancing, games and movies. People can donate what they would have spent on a night out.
Who couldn’t do with a clear-out?! Sell your old clothes, shoes, and random things you just don’t need anymore. Why not get your friends and family to do the same.
Take your party to a new level of fun. Book a room, Zoom, or rent a karaoke machine for the night at home or a local pub, and ask for donations to attend.
Grab yourself a PKD Charity collection box and get friends, family and colleagues to empty their pockets. Pennies make pounds!
Dim the lights for a murderous night of fun. Set up a whodunnit yourself or download one online. Just ask for a donation to join in
Ask colleagues to get comfy for a donation. You can even go for a theme or ask everyone to turn up in their pyjamas.
Wheelie chair race or wastepaper bin basketball challenge? You’d be surprised what games you can come up with to fit between meetings! People can donate per challenge or race.
A British classic. Set a date with your local pub and start thinking of questions. Get your friends, family and colleagues involved, and spread the word!
There’s never a better time to kick that habit. Whether it’s for a month, year, or forever, ask for people to sponsor your efforts to quit social media, swearing, sugar…
Get in touch with local businesses to ask for raffle prizes (contact us for a fundraising letter of authorisation). You can even have the raffle at your pub quiz or afternoon tea.
A great idea for work or home. Whenever someone curses, they must donate!
Everyone has a secret talent. Hold this in a local pub, community centre, school hall, or your back garden! Ask for donations to attend…or to avoid taking part!
Handy with nail varnish or at DIY? Offer your skills in return for donations. You’ll have people queuing out the door for haircuts, manicures, odd jobs…
Get your mates round for a night of gaming!
If you’re not brave enough for a head shave, what about a wax? The more people donate, the more hair you have to have waxed! You’ll be super smooth when they’re done with you.
Organise a treasure hunt and leave a trail of clues around your office or whole town. Get people into teams and the first to finish wins a prize. A ticket to the treasure hunt costs a donation.
Give up booze for a year. Run a race every weekend. Read a book a week. Dedicate yourself to a challenge to rack up the donations.
Looking for fundraising ideas? You've come to the end of our list! If you've tried one of our suggestions, we'd love to hear how you got on and if you've tried more than one, you're due for a well-earned rest ‘til next time. Zzz!