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0300 111 1234

We walked a mile in green for PKD

Kay and her family are passionate about raising awareness and funds for the PKD Charity. Kay tells us about a recent event she helped organise at her children's primary school, Chase Terrace.

"Hi, I'm Kay and I live with Craig, my husband, and our 3 lively boys in Staffordshire. Craig has ADPKD (autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease) and unfortunately our youngest son has inherited it.

I've taken part in a lot of runs for PKD and organised a Family Fun Day in 2015 in our local park. I asked the headmaster of Chase Terrace Primary School about holding an event before Summer at the school. He proposed a 'non uniform day' and we called it 'Wear Green Day' to match the PKD Charity's running vest colour. He suggested linking it to the Birmingham Marathon I'm running on 16 October 2017 and came up with 'Walk a Mile for PKD'.

All the school pupils turned up on the day, many in green. After school we went to the school field to do a mile walk. About 70 pupils joined in plus parents and teachers. Throughout the day the school sold the PKD Charity wristbands which proved very popular! A total of £470.11 was raised from this one event. It was amazing to see so many people turn up and join in with a fundraising event, it meant so much to our family.

One of the parents said to me during the Walk a Mile and said they were more than happy to help raise awareness and money for the charity."

Kay is an inspiration and we'll be cheering her on during the Birmingham Marathon.

If you feel inspired to Walk for PKD, look at our running events if you want to stretch your legs further.

ADPKD, Fundraising

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