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0300 111 1234

Leave a gift in your Will

Leave a gift in your Will

Help us meet the future challenges of PKD patients and families

Leaving a gift in your Will to the PKD Charity will give hope for the future for thousands of families in the UK living with PKD and many generations to come.

Your legacy will help us fund research into new treatments and drugs, enable us to deliver our support services, run more information days and keep our patient information accurate and reliable.

What types of gifts can you leave to the PKD Charity?

Residuary Legacy

This is a share or all of the balance of your estate once tax (if any), expenses and other types of legacies have been paid.

Pecuniary Legacy

A fixed amount of money. With the passage of time, pecuniary legacies will lose value due to inflation so you may wish to review your Will every few years.

Specific Legacy

This is a gift of a specific item such as a personal possession, land, car or property.

Claim your free Will with Farewill

We have  partnered with Farewill, one of the UK’s top Will writing specialists, to offer you free support with writing or updating your Will. 

You can write your free Will in as little as 15 minutes with their professional help. Although the PKD Charity is covering the cost, you don’t have to leave us a gift to use the service. Please consider us if you can to support our future. 


More information

If you would like to discuss the ways in which leaving a gift in your will could help PKD Charity, have any questions at all about leaving a legacy or have already left a legacy to the charity, please get in touch.

Email our Fundraising Manager at  or call 07715 664687